Mind Dagger has uploaded a new Public Mombot version 4.01p
This is primarily a bug fix for bugs that were discovered in the Ice 2020 tournament. The update also includes four new commands:
Select - Searches TWX database for known info.
Beam - Beam Data to Corp Mate.
Update - Checks deployment lists and sets sector parameters.
Deploy - Replaces old climp/plimp/mines/cmine/pmine commands.
For details on these commands please visit the WIKI:
https://github.com/MicroBlaster/TWXProx ... -is-New%3FThis version will also install into "scripts\mombot4p" subfolder, this allows you to continue to run any custom version of mombot you might have in the "scripts\moimbot" folder, and you can use the switchbot command to easily switch between bots.
Mombot source code for most commands is now included in the repository on GitHub:
https://github.com/TW2002/mombot4pThis update also includes the TWX Proxy version 2.6.05a, which is just a minor update:
Changes in 2.6.05:
+ Added AutoLineTrigger command
+ Added Asignment Operators feature
+ Ficed Issue 36 - Some string comparisons are being evaluated as numbers.
These updates have been added to the Mega Installer here: