
Issues with a script command
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Author:  SteveH_66 [ Sat Dec 02, 2023 12:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Issues with a script command

I am having trouble with a script command, the setAutoTrigger. I am trying to use it in a login Script.
Here is the script code :

# First, we declare our Variables

loadVar $person
loadVar $passWord

# Now, we set our Triggers
setAutoTrigger logInName1 "Please enter your name (ENTER" $person & "*"
setAutoTrigger PASSWORD1 "Password?" $passWord & "*"
setAutoTrigger PAUSES1 "[Pause]" "a " 0
setAutoTrigger MENU1 "Selection (? for menu)" GAME & "*"
setAutoTrigger MENU2 "Enter your choice:" "T" & "*"
setAutoTrigger todaysLOG "Show today's log? (Y/N)" "*"
setAutoTrigger gameMESSAGES "Delete messages? (Y/N)" "Y" & "*"
setTextTrigger textTrig1 "Command [TL=" :finish


Here is the documentation text from the TWX Scripting reference :

Purpose: Creates a trigger that will activate when a text containing a specific value has been received from the remote server and respond to that trigger with the specified text.

Syntax: setAutoTrigger {name} {value} {response} [repeat]

{name}: The name of the trigger to create. This name is used for later references to the trigger.

{value}: A value that is required to be in the block of incoming text for the trigger to activate.

{response}: The response to send when the trigger is activated.

[repeat]: Optionally set the number of times to repeat this trigger. Use 0 for infinite. The default value is 1.

Notes: The auto trigger will automatically respond to an event instead of jumping to a label within the script.

Note that no triggers will activate unless the script has been paused with a "pause", "waitFor" or "waitOn" command.


# Respond to pause prompts until trigger is killed.
SetAutoTrigger PAUSE "[Pause]" "a " 0

# Respond with a system varable & <enter> to the login prompt.
SetAutoTrigger LOGON "Please enter your" LOGINNAME & "*"

# Send <enter> to a single prompt.
SetAutoTrigger SHOWLOG "Show today's log?" "*"

I can't see where I am not putting in all the parameters for the command. But, TWX Proxy returns this error code and kills the script :

Script compilation error: Too few parameters for command 'SETAUTOTRIGGER', line
10 (0_LOGIN.TS)

Can anyone tell me where I am messing up, what parameter is missing for that command? Or does that command not work all that well and a scripter needs to use setTextTrigger or some other trigger or waitFor or waitON or whatever instead?

Author:  Adept [ Thu Dec 07, 2023 11:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Issues with a script command

Hmm...try moving this to the top of the order and see if the error reports at a lower line #. Perhaps, firstly, try running it without the 0 repeat; also, try it without the "a", just send a space: setAutoTrigger PAUSES1 "[Pause]" "a " 0

Otherwise comment out: "setAutoTrigger PASSWORD1 "Password?" $passWord & "*"" to see if the script runs without error, and just enter the PW manually.

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