Star Killer
Joined: Wed May 01, 2013 11:28 pm Posts: 1330 Location: Rural Indiana
 Star Killer's Ice9 October Resets Port 2002 All Games Open Friday October 4th. 9pm ET.
Special Note: All Server rules are posted on the Ice9 Website at Each game type has a color code on the website that matches the color of that game type on the server. Green For Builders Games. Cyan For Regulated Games. Brown For Sandbox Games. Yellow For Unregulated Games. It is your responsibility as the player to know and understand these rules.
Builders Games Game P Toyman's Builders 30,000 Sectors Unlimited Turns
Game U: Ice9 Original Builders 30,000 Sectors 2,500 Turns Note: These edits only reset about once a year, so here's your chance to get in on day one.
Sandbox Games:
Game S: Sandbox Stock 1,000 Sectors 250 Turns
Game T Sandbox Gold 2,000 Sectors 500 Turns
Regulated Games:
Game C: Solo Olde' Timers 10,000 Sectors 1,500 Turns
Game E: Stock 5,000 Sector 1,000 Turns
Game H: Pirates Final 3X Regulated 30,000 Sectors 5,000 Turns 3x Faster Planet Upgrades
Unregulated Games:
Game G: Call To Battle 5,000 Sectors 1,000 Turns
Game I: Solo Wars 5,000 Sectors 1,200 Turns
Game J: SubZero 30,000 Sectors 30,000 Turns
Game K: Stock Unregulated 5,000 Sectors 1,000 Turns
Game L: Big Business 30,000 Sectors Unlimited Turns
Game M: Star Killer's Famous Planet Capture Star Trek Edit 30,000 Sectors Unlimited Turns 10 randomly placed & 3 Alien planets to capture Game created with a script By Xanos Based on a concept by Vid Kid Game N: Star Trek 30,000 Sectors Unlimited Turns
Game O: SubZero Unlimited 30,000 Sectors Unlimited Turns
Game R Spaceballs 20,000 Sectors 1,500 Turns
_________________ Star Killer USA(RETIRED) Loyalty Above All Else Except Honor Playing with integrity is more important than winning HHT 2015 Champs: Cloud09 2015 Lottery Tournament Winning Team Member 2016 Big Game Draft Tournament Winning Team Member HHT 2016 Champs: Cloud09 HHT 2021 Champs(Just For Showing Up) HHT 2022 Champs(For 90mins of Play) Star Killer's Ice9 TWGS Viper's Pit V1 TWGS Website: Email: Discord: Star Killer#0358 Ice 9 V2 TWGS: SK-TWGS.COM PORT 2002 Viper's Pit V1 TWGS: V1.SK-TWGS.COM PORT 23 Now The Fastest TWGS in the West To help offset the server(s) hosting bill donate via PayPal to: