Tradewars II for Worldgroup NT
hello all this is just to report the status of development of my Tradewars II port.
i am working on build 3 and have everything operational with the exception of trading at ports with commodities, having some issues with the haggle option, basic code got a bit loopy in some areas and was hard for me to translate but the overall project is going very well.
have had several conversations with John and this game is not "for sale" i do not sell or resell EIS owned products am just doing it right now to get some TW fun flowing on wg, once done i will send finished products to John and he can decide best way to distribute it to the community, sale,donationware,free, totally his choice.
i added no features to what Sherrick already had in place all i did was translate the basic code and write it in C and very soon i will have a full beta available to play on.
if anyone has any questions feel free to email me.
Daniel Spain
ArcticZone Internet Solutions